Autumn Blaze
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Announcing the
Autumn Blaze® Maple
ACER x freemanii
rubrum x saccharinum
Chosen by Iowa's Nursery and
Landscape Professionals as
The 1997 Tree Of The Year
and by
The Society of Municipal Arborists as
2004 Urban Tree Of The Year (click here to read more!)
The Autumn Blaze® Maple has brilliant red-orange leaves in the fall with excellent dependability and longevity of color. This tree is very tolerant of dry or wet soil conditions. This beautiful and adaptive tree at maturity will have an oval to rounded crown with ascending branches and a well-defined central leader. Growing to over 50 feet tall and 40 feet wide, the Autumn Blaze® Maple's rate of growth is approximately four times faster than a red maple. This tree is not as susceptible to storm damage as the silver maple because it has superior crotch angles and branch habit. The Autumn Blaze® Maple makes an outstanding specimen tree, but it can also be used in clusters.
"I have been evaluating your introduction Autumn Blaze® Maple for the past couple of years in the shade tree evaluation project. So far I have certainly been impressed by this plant's performance. The fall color is excellent and it seems to hold longer than most other maples. Growth rate has been rapid and crotch angles appear to be satisfactory." (Professor T. Davis Sydnor, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center) |
- Consistant, Brilliant Long Lasting Red-Orange Fall Color
- Clay Soil, Drought & Moisture Tolerant
- Dense Oval Head With Strong Branching
- Zones 3 Through 8
- Resistant To Leafhopper Damage
- Unexcelled Growth Rate
- Thrives On High Levels Of Nitrogen Fertilizer
This spectacular tree has become one of the most wanted trees in the U.S. and is quickly becoming popular in other countries. Autumn Blaze® is a hybrid (red and silver maple) tree that has the vigor and adaptability of the silver maple with the beauty and strength of the red maple. This cultivar is known for its superior fall color, unexcelled growth rates, leafhopper tolerance and the adaptability to an extremely wide range of climate and soil conditions.
From our 16 years of growing experience with Autumn Blaze®, we have found that high rates of nitrogen will give amazing results and will eliminate most of the splitting problems associated with maples due to verticillium wilt.
We invest extra time, money and research on these trees. You won't be disappointed!
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